Donate Life Rose Parade Float
Frequently Asked Questions

How can I decorate the Donate Life Rose Parade Float?
All volunteer shifts are organized by the Donate Life Rose Parade Float. There are certain age requirements and all volunteers are responsible for their own transportation to the float site in Los Angeles County. Typically, you can sign up for volunteer shifts directly on the float website in November or December:
Please note: Lifesharing is not in charge of the float decorating and does not offer transportation to the float site.
How does Lifesharing select its Rose Parade Honoree?
Every year, we select a Lifesharing organ donor to be honored on the float with a floral portait. We consider many factors when choosing an honoree, including the hospital where the donation took place. Our hospital partners are vital to our lifesaving mission, and we want to honor them in this process as well. Above all, we want to make sure we choose an honoree whose family would find this event helpful in their grief journey.
What if I’d like Lifesharing to honor my loved one on the float?
If you would like your loved one to be considered by our selection committee, please fill out an application using the button below. You will be directed to an outside website and asked to answer a number of questions. The entire process could take up to 15 – 20 minutes. The deadline to apply for the current year is July 15th.
Please be aware that this event requires a huge time commitment for the family of Lifesharing’s Rose Parade Honree. It also requires travel to the Los Angeles area for several mandatory events from October to early January. (Lifesharing pays lodging costs for a limited number of family members.) Families are also asked to give multiple media interviews during this time to help us educate the public about organ donation.