Funeral Services

Lifesharing recognizes the integral role of the funeral professional in the donation process, therefore it is our desire to support you in your efforts to serve donor families.

The availability of organs, tissue, and eyes for transplantation provides a source of life for ill, injured and dying Americans. Every year, tens of thousands of people are treated for life-threatening conditions with the gift of donated organs. Hundreds of thousands more benefit from healing and function-restoring transplants of donated tissues.

Donation and transplantation are processes involving many professionals to include funeral directors and embalmers. You are the individuals who help the families of donors through their most painful period of grieving, and your involvement is essential to make the donation experience a positive one for family members and friends. The positive attitude you convey about donation will impact a family’s feelings about their decision to donate.

Every effort is made in the procurement process to minimize additional procedures on the part of the embalmer and to preserve the natural appearance of the body so that an open casket ceremony is possible.

“Lifesharing: A Donate Life Organization is committed to the life-saving and life-enhancing efforts of transplantation. We strive to be the leader in organ and tissue donation through education, collaboration and the provision of quality service.”


Funeral Home Donor Remembrance Plaque Program

Funeral Home Pre-Need Planning


Best Practices of Tissues & Eye Banks

Tissue Donation Process

Funeral Professionals Training Opportunities