In Lieu of Flowers …
Funds donated in memory of your loved one will be designated by Lifesharing to raise awareness about the critical, lifesaving need for organ and tissue donation.
For more information, call Lifesharing’s Family Services Department or email All donations will be acknowledged with a personal letter from the Executive Director of Lifesharing. We also will provide a list of the people who made gifts and their contact information.
Donations also may be made to Lifesharing online at under ‘Ways to Help.’
Your funeral director can assist with including the following notice in your loved one’s obituary:
In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be made to:
Lifesharing – A Donate Life Organization
7436 Mission Valley Road
San Diego, CA 92108
We consider your loved one a Hero –
a Hero who in their last hour gave a Lifetime.

Many, many thanks for your support. Over time, you will understand fully how many lives are so positively be affected by the decision to Donate Life.
In recognition of their special gift, your loved one is eligible to include the Donor Icon above in their death and funeral notice in the San Diego Union Tribune newspaper.
Your funeral director can help you request the special donor icon or you may contact the newspaper directly at 619-293-1912.