The heroic work of Lifesharing’s Tissue Department was highlighted in a two-page spread in the May 2022 issue of TransplantNATION Magazine. These dedicated individuals work night and day to coordinate the donation of human tissue for transplantation. Corneas restore sight, skin can heal burn victims and tendons can rebuild joints, just to cite a few examples. Each gift holds the promise of hope for recipients who are in pain or suffering from traumatic injuries. But tissue must be recovered within 24 hours of a patient’s death, so each case is a race against the clock. And recovering human corneas and tissues is a delicate art, often compared to a surgical procedure — Lifesharing’s recovery technicians spend three to six hours on each case. The impact of tissue donation is monumental: a single tissue donor can help as many as 75 people.

Lifesharing’s Tissue Team Featured in TransplantNATION Magazine

“They Soldier On Like Warriors” – Lifesharing’s Tissue Team Featured in TranspantNation Magazine