In August of 2023, Lifesharing organ donors saved 50 lives through the transplantation of vital organs such as hearts, lungs, livers and kidneys. Each recipient woke up in the hospital with a new organ and a new life. Some of the recipients received more than one organ — Lifesharing helped transplant a total of 61 organs during the monthlong effort. (Lifesharing came very close to its all-time record of 62 organs transplanted in a single month, which was set just a few months ago in May .) This latest milestone was a testament to the generosity of the San Diego community, the hard work of Lifesharing’s organ team and the cooperation of numerous hospital and professional partners. Each organ donation case is a highly coordinated effort involving Lifesharing nurses, surgical coordinators and family specialists. Each case typically lasts a few days and it’s not unusual for our team to manage several cases simultaneously. As of August 31, Lifesharing had facilitated the transplantation of 28 kidneys, 15 lungs, 11 livers, 6 hearts and 1 pancreas in the month of August.