Lifesharing helped transplant a record 514 organs in 2024 – the most in its history. Each organ was a gift from a deceased organ donor in the San Diego region. Lifesharing identified matching recipients for each vital organ and worked with transplant teams from across the nation to save the lives of hundreds of patients on the waiting list. Thanks to the generosity of San Diego organ donors, Lifesharing was able to facilitate the transplantation of 243 kidneys, 115 livers, 92 lungs, 59 hearts and five pancreases in 2024. The 92 lungs that were transplanted last year represent a 30% increase from the prior year – a direct result of focused efforts by Lifesharing Director of Organ Clinical Operations Darryl Nethercot to increase the number of lung transplants. In addition to organ donation, Lifesharing recovered tissue from 470 donors last year, potentially healing tens of thousands of additional patients. A single tissue donor can improve the lives of dozens of patients: corneas restore sight, skin can heal burn victims and tendons can rebuild joints. Lifesharing Executive Director Jeff Trageser reflected on the magnitude of his team’s accomplishments: “When we look at these numbers – 514 organs transplanted – I stop and think about all the transplant patients who are now off the waiting list and able to resume a normal life…. that is so powerful.” Lifesharing is the federally-designated organ procurement organization (OPO) serving San Diego and Imperial counties in Southern California.

Lifesharing Helps Transplant a Record Number of Organs in 2024